Thursday, October 16, 2014

Yoga is acually hard

This morning I had it all planned out I was going to wake up and do some yoga. I rolled out the no longer dusty yoga mat and as I started I really started to sweat. The woman in the video wasn't even breaking a sweat and there I was with shaking arms and legs trying to get in the poses. I fell on my face a few times doing the stretches. But doing the stretches really woke me up and it was quick if not easy. Here is the video I used if you want to follow along and really wake up in the mornings.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Yes the title you saw was right I am actually going to do yoga tonight and tell you all about my experience with it!

Monday, October 13, 2014

No yoga mats but Home Improvement

I really expected to do yoga yesterday I even had my yoga pants on that is until my mom dragged me to the home improvement store to get some new floor boards for my room. I decided to include working to lay down  my floor in this blog because I believe it should be counted as exercise. Lifting furniture out of the way is much more heavy then the little 10 pound weights I usually lift.

Saturday, October 11, 2014

Dusty Yoga mats

Yesterday I didn't do any exercise (gasp). So I guess I had more excuses. This one being I was too busy shopping with my mom, so I blame her. I literally shopped the day away and when I got home it was 6 and I was tired so of course nothing was done. Today I'm going to take that dusty yoga mat out and do the yoga I was supposed to do yesterday.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

It's all in the baby steps

I knew going into this that I wouldn't suddenly sprout muscles and be fit but I have noticed that I'm not quite as tired as I used to be when running to the bus in the mornings. That my friends is progress. It might be slow progress but progress none the less.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Monday exercise

I have learned two important things from belly dancing first of all I can't move my hips well enough and second of all wow when you do this exercise you really feel it in your abs. I don't think I'll continue doing it  because I just can't follow along with the movements in the video, tonight I'll try Pilates since that is what my mom does all the time and she swears by it.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sorry for the wait

Even though the whole point of this blog is to stop writing excuses  I had to babysit my little brother for the weekend so I didn't have time to post until now. That's not to say I didn't exercise, watching over little children is alot of work. I played tag and hide and seek with him which of course involved the usual running which I'm just going to count as a cardio workout. I also did some jumping jacks if that counts for anything. I think its time for a change in exercise so today I'm going to do some belly dancing from this video I have and see how that works out.

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Finally worked out

Yesterday I did 20 sit-ups and 20 push-ups (although it was the girly kind). I ran today if you count running to catch the bus this morning. I can tell you it certainly woke me up this morning. I was up all night working on an essay so I'm proud of myself for not having excuses today.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Day 2- Delay

Well its day two and I'm sad to say I have done none of the exercising I said I would do so passionately yesterday. The excuse I used was I didn't have enough time which was a complete untruth seeing as I had time to watch TV. Well we all have our setbacks and I need to get past this and actually live by the goals I set. I know this post is kind of short but I'm disappointed in myself for letting the excuses I said I would never say come into my life the very next day(wow that rhymed).

Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Well here I go

I have noticed that every time I tell myself I will start exercising  something comes up (like it always does) and I just drop the thought of it. All I do is sit all day whether its at school or home so I need to get up and do something.  I really want to get healthy .I know that there are others out there who have  excuses not to exercise too. These are the excuses I don't want to catch myself saying in this journey to get active.
  1. I have no time
  2. Exercising isn't interesting
  3. I don't like exercising
  4. I've tried and failed before                  For more exercise excuses click on this link 
My goal is to actually use my dusty yoga mat for once and also to be able to run around the city without needing 5 minutes to recover my breath. I'm also going to try different exercises each day to find an exercise that I really like and can  keep doing. SO I'm going to start off slow and do 20 sit ups and try to do 10 push ups (my personal best so far is one). I'll also jog around my block once.Just in case you guys wanted to follow along I'll include the video I'll be using to help me learn to pace myself when jogging.